总统的简报 2020年1月

盖尔维. 毕比,Ph值.D.

The president welcomes guests at the Westmont Women's 领导 Luncheon. 我们在1月28日举行了第五届年度活动.

盖尔维. Beebe became Westmont’s eighth president in 2007 after serving as president of Spring Arbor University in Michigan for seven years. 2008年他的就职典礼上,史蒂夫·福布斯(Steve Forbes)发表了演讲, 福布斯的首席执行官, 和Steve Sample, 南加州大学前校长. 阅读更多ag娱乐官网总统的信息.

Westmont Celebrates a Decade of Faithfulness—and the Best Is Yet to Come!

在接下来的十年里,你梦想做什么? 你会走多远? 在Westmont, 我们对未来感到兴奋, and we’re building on many accomplishments and momentum from the past 10 years highlighted below.

  • Four major new buildings and significant renovations to four others

  • More than $250 million raised to support the college over the decade

  • 项目收到了1500多万美元, 奖学金, capital projects and faculty reSearch through grants and foundations

  • 三个新的大调和四个新的小调

  • 三个新的校外项目

  • 我们的学生奉献了数万小时的服务, faculty and staff in the local community and throughout the world

  • 勇士队获得NAIA全国冠军, 三个是NAIA全国亚军, and two finished as NAIA national semifinalists with 86 appearances in NAIA national tournaments and 35 GSAC championships

2010: A new observatory, athletic fields and a renovated library open

 Westmont celebrates the completion of the Westmont Observatory, which houses the powerful Keck Telescope; Thorrington Field, 首页 of the men’s and women’s soccer teams; the state-of-the-art Westmont Track and Field Complex; and the renovated Russ Carr Field for the baseball team.

A Voskuyl图书馆的翻新 为学生提供了更好的学习空间. 


韦斯特蒙特就职 T.B. 自然和行为科学的沃克主席 and installs Jeff Schloss, distinguished professor of biology at Westmont, as the first recipient. 


韦斯特蒙特开放并奉献了令人印象深刻的冬季大厅, 哪个部门为工程师提供办公室和实验室, 数学, psychology and physics departments and classrooms for many academic departments.   

 The Westmont Music Department moves into the specially renovated Music Building.


亚当斯视觉艺术中心, which includes the Westmont Ridley-Tree艺术博物馆 and many well-designed art studios, 为艺术系提供了一个新家. 


Westmont launches the Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture to promote spiritual formation and the Dallas Willard Center to provide access to the books and papers of the late Christian philosopher. 

2012: The college completes an $85 million capital campaign

Westmont raises $85 million through the Bright Hope for Today capital campaign, 是谁资助了数学和科学冬季大厅, 亚当斯视觉艺术中心, 韦斯特蒙特天文台和翻新的运动场.

The beautifully remodeled Westmont Dining Commons opens its doors to students.

2015: Westmont launches a leadership conference and 一个新的 program in downtown Santa Barbara

第一届年度 引领你的立场 领导 Conference features a wide range of speakers providing key insights about leading businesses, 组织和政府机构.

Westmont市中心, 一个新的, semester-long academic program focusing on capital and social entrepreneurship, enrolls its first students in downtown Santa Barbara in the Hutton Parker Foundation Building.

2016: A capital campaign raises $153 million, making it the college’s biggest ever

Westmont完成了1.53亿美元的收购 今天的力量资本运动这是大学历史上规模最大的一次. It raised funds for the Global 领导 Center and  five new innovative centers: Mosher Center for Moral and Ethical 领导; Eaton Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Hughes Center for Neuroscience and 领导; Goble Center for Global Learning; and the Montecito Institute for Executive Education.

Westmont offers 奖学金 worth 85 percent of tuition to the first class of 奥古斯丁的学者.

新 Michaelhouse奖学金 provides two full-ride 奖学金 each year for two graduates of Michaelhouse, 夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省的一所基督教寄宿男校.

威斯蒙特开启了自己的篇章 Bridge2Rwanda and enrolls one or two Rwandan students each year as part of the 奥古斯丁的学者 program.

2017: 新 data analytics major offers additional opportunities for students

Westmont adds 一个新的 data analytics major that includes professors from 数学, 计算机科学, and economics and business departments working together in an interdisciplinary program.


多亏了一份两百万美元的礼物, Westmont begins establishing a Center for Student Success to help all students succeed.

Westmont launches 一个新的 Summer Session in Singapore that features study of international trade and finance, 在亚洲实习和旅行.


The first Westmont in Cairo semester immerses students in a developing world megalopolis.

2019: New majors and athletic programs help recruit the largest new class ever

威斯蒙特大学迎来了第一批工程专业学生, who will earn a Bachelor of Science in engineering with an emphasis on mechanical engineering.Other new programs include 一个新的 Bachelor of Music (BM) degree in performance with a concentration in voice, 管弦乐乐器和钢琴, 加上新的未成年人写作, 电影及环境研究.



We made college history with our largest, most diverse incoming new class for fall 2019.


New Warrior teams, men’s and women’s golf and women’s swimming, begin competing.

Westmont市中心 expands to a second floor and dedicates the latest of its five centers and initiatives: the 应用技术中心. These innovative programs contribute to the Santa Barbara community and help prepare our students for rewarding careers. 了解更多ag娱乐官网我们的中心和倡议:

We celebrate these accomplishments and the momentum they provide as we plan for the future. 我们继续拥抱文科的价值, which prepare students for a life worth living– and provide them with a significant return on investment, 就像最近 《ag娱乐官网》文章 描述了. 在接下来的几个月, we’ll share some of the exciting things we’re doing to deepen the mission of the college while expanding the impact of Westmont around the world. 



盖尔维. 毕比,Ph值.D.

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