Music Majors & Degrees

Develop your musical skills and knowledge with Christian professors 谁鼓励你的创造力,并将ag娱乐官网与音乐的艺术和工艺联系起来.

从事高水平伟大音乐的认真研究、创作和演奏. 探索音乐在文科和韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网扮演的重要角色. Choose from the B.A. degree in music on the general, music performance, 或获得专业的教学前证书(B).M.) degree that leads to a public school teaching credential. You may also choose the Bachelor of Music (B.M.(主修声乐、管弦乐和钢琴). 在全国音乐学校协会(NASM)认可的学校学习.

National Association of Schools of Music
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Reston, VA 20190-5248
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Music Department News

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Sample Schedule

  • MU 10 Principles of Music I
  • MU 12 Principles of Music II
  • Ensembles
  • Private Lessons
  • MU 110 Principles of Music III
  • MU 112 Principles of Music IV
  • Ensembles
  • Private Lessons
  • MU 15 Conducting
  • MU 120 Music History I
  • MU 121 Music History II
  • Upper Division MU and/or MUA Electives
  • Ensembles
  • Private Lessons
  • Junior Recital
  • ART 131 Theory and Criticism in the Arts
  • Upper Division MU and/or MUA Electives
  • Ensembles
  • Private Lessons
  • Senior Recital

Active Faculty By Instrument 

Westmont Ensembles

韦斯特蒙特的主要合唱团和巡回音乐会合唱团,现在在博士的指导下. Daniel Gee. The choir performs the classic repertoire of the past five centuries, along with spirituals, folk song arrangements, and music of other cultures. 乐团每年都会举办本地音乐会,其中包括与管弦乐队合作的重要作品. The College Choir also appears at Westmont events, performs in chapel, ministers in local church services, and participates in regional choral festivals. Highlights of the year include the Christmas concert and the spring tour. To learn more about the College Choir, please see this link.

College Choir Press Kit

Westmont College Choir 2022-23

This select ensemble, now under the direction of Dr. Daniel Gee, specializes in a cappella literature, including madrigals and motets of the Renaissance, contemporary sacred and secular music, folk song arrangements, spirituals, and vocal jazz. Community outreach is central to the ensemble. In addition to performing alongside the College Choir, 室内歌手在当地以及南加州和中央海岸独立演出. Performance highlights include the Fall Choral Festival, the Christmas Concert, the Spring Choral Masterworks Concert, the fall and spring Vocal Chamber Concerts, and the spring tour. 室内歌手的成员资格取决于学院合唱团的成员资格.

Chamber Singers '22-23


The Westmont College Orchestra, conducted by Dr. Ruth Lin, performs original literature, transcriptions, and arrangements. 包括在这是为全乐团,弦乐团和小合奏作品. 研究和实践包括从文艺复兴到21世纪的各个风格时期和作曲家. The orchestra performs two major independent concerts each semester, 以及与合唱团的圣诞音乐会,春季与学院合唱团的主要作品节目,以及一年一度的歌剧演出. Typically, the orchestra is made up of circa 60 students. Faculty specialists coach each section of the orchestra, including Dr. Han Soo Kim (violin), and Dr. Paul Mori (wind, brass and percussion).

College Orchestra Press Kit

Westmont College Orchestra 2022-23

Various Wind Chamber Ensembles, directed and coached by Dr. Paul Mori和Andrea Di Maggio,为铜管乐器,木管乐器和打击乐器演奏者组织. The various chamber ensembles perform throughout the semester. 典型的团体包括一个木管五重奏,5个铜管六重奏,铜管合唱团和长笛合奏. Other ensemble forms to meet student interest and abilities.

Chamber Orchestra '21-22

The Jazz Ensemble performs and studies classic and contemporary literature, including the art of improvisation, and perform both on and off campus.

Jazz Band '22-23


Brass Ensemble -'21-22


Offering traditional string quartets, trios and other ensembles. 这些团体在校园和整个圣巴巴拉ag娱乐官网都很活跃. 


Fall Choral Festival

韦斯特蒙特学院很乐意为您提供参加我们的虚拟秋季韦斯特蒙特邀请合唱节的机会. 音乐节的重点是教学和表演,而不是比赛. 

Choral Festival Date: Friday, October 25, 2024

Early Application Deadline: Friday, August 16, 2024

Regular Application Deadline: Friday, September 20, 2024

在8月16日之前申请的合唱团将获得优先考虑,并在8月23日之前收到录取通知. Those who apply after will be notified by September 27.

Learn More

Career Paths for Music Majors

  • Performing musician
  • Music teacher
  • Church music
  • Music publishing
  • Music management
  • Music business
  • Recording
  • Broadcasting

See career paths for graduates who majored or minored in music at Westmont.

Music Alumni

Aaron Wilk ’16 主修生物、化学和音乐,重点是钢琴演奏. 他目前是斯坦福大学的一名医学博士/博士生,在那里他研究免疫系统如何预防和促进病毒性疾病, including Covid-19. 他继续在斯坦福大学学习钢琴,在独奏和室内乐方面保持活跃. “In high school, 我很担心找到平衡我的两种学术激情的方法:科学和音乐. 韦斯特蒙为我提供了灵活性和资源,使我能够很好地追求这两种激情. The interdisciplinary approach of the Westmont liberal arts education, combined with the vibrant community of the Music Department, 呈现了一个独一无二的机会,全面发展你的音乐工艺.”  

Sarah Pfister ’12莎拉主修小提琴和中提琴演奏,并在哈特福德大学哈特音乐学院获得中提琴演奏硕士学位,重点是小提琴铃木教学法. 她在康涅狄格州的格林威治铃木学院教授小提琴和中提琴,现在是鲁塞歌剧院管弦乐团的小提琴手, Bulgaria. “从小到大,我喜欢上私人音乐课,并在教学中找到了成就感. 在韦斯特蒙特,我感到有责任将我对音乐和教学的热爱结合起来,从事铃木教育事业. 我的教授们鼓励我,并为我提供追求梦想所需的工具. 我所接受的全面的基督教文科教育对我的职业和个人都有很大的帮助.”

Megan Silberstein Billings ’14她主修音乐,目前正在俄克拉荷马城大学攻读歌剧表演音乐硕士学位. 她是一名专业的歌剧和音乐剧歌手,并在南山浸信会美术学院教授声乐和钢琴.“我在韦斯特蒙特大学的教授们为我的研究生院做好了学术准备,更重要的是为现实音乐世界的挑战做好了准备. 他们在心理上、情感上和精神上装备了我,使我能够面对现代音乐家的战斗. 他们展示了他们信心的真正基础——耶稣基督——并活出了为神谱曲的艰难信念. 威斯蒙特大学鼓励学生在音乐方面表现出色,理由是正确的:基督和他的国度.”

Luke Mizuki ‘15 and Emily Rutherford Mizuki ‘15 met as first-year Music Majors in Westmont’s Music Department, fell in love on choir tour in Russia and Lithuania, and got married two years after graduating from Westmont. 他们都在洛杉矶的Longy音乐学院获得了教学硕士学位,目前教普通音乐, band, and choir at public and private schools in Orange County. “At Westmont, 我们被鼓励去探索音乐的各个方面:作曲和指挥, collaborating and accompanying, 当然还有教学——在音乐教育成为专业之前! 作为音乐家和教育工作者,在文科和音乐方面接受如此全面的教育对我们来说是无价的.”